It’s that time of year again when it’s appropriate to engage in a little gourd-based political advocacy. Here are some of the best political pumpkins from around the state submitted to me through Facebook over the past couple days. You can submit your own right here.
The get out the vote wizard! Submitted Morgan Pottle Urquhart in Bangor.
Bernie Sanders graces the streets of Portland in this photo submitted by Dan Featherstone and Dory Smith Graham.
A pro-park pumpkin via Judy Berk and Ryan Parker.
My favorite so far, a pumpkin in support of Sarah Nichols for Bangor City Council, created by Annette Sohns.
And here’s the what’s currently outside my house. Not the most elaborate design, but I think we got our point across. Vote Pac-Man!
Update: here’s one from the Lewiston mayoral race via Beth Kimberly Wing:
And Sarah Rawlings is feeling the Bern:
Got a political pumpkin of your own? Submit it here.